

Holocaust in Film and Literature--Todd Presner / UCLA

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source: UCLA Courses      2014年6月1日
Holocaust in Film and Literature, German 59, UCLA [Complete]
Course Description:
German 59: Holocaust in Film and Literature is a course that provides insight into the History of Holocaust and its present memory through examination of challenges and problems encountered in trying to imagine its horror through media of literature and film.
About the Professor:
Todd Presner is Associate Professor of Germanic Languages, Comparative Literature, and Jewish Studies. His research focuses on German-Jewish intellectual and cultural history, the history of media, visual culture, digital humanities, and cultural geography. He is the author of two books: The first, Mobile Modernity: Germans, Jews, Trains (Columbia University Press, 2007), maps German-Jewish intellectual history onto the development of the railway system; the second, Muscular Judaism: The Jewish Body and the Politics of Regeneration (Routledge, 2007), analyzes the aesthetic dimensions of the strong Jewish body.
Note: Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright infringement.
* See all the UCLA German 59: Holocaust in Film and Literature classes in this series:http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E162D5967A29AA3B
* See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses
* See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla
Lec 1, German 59, UCLA 53:37
Lec 2, German 59, UCLA 49:11
Lec 3, German 59, UCLA 1:00:00
Lec 4, German 59, UCLA 1:08:48
Lec 5, German 59, UCLA 1:00:46
Lec 6, German 59, UCLA 1:09:10
Lec 7, German 59, UCLA 1:03:29
Lec 8, German 59, UCLA 1:00:29
Lec 9, German 59, UCLA 56:31
Lec 10, German 59, UCLA 1:05:47
Lec 11, German 59, UCLA 1:00:56
Lec 12, German 59, UCLA 1:07:22
Lec 13, German 59, UCLA 1:02:56
Lec 14, German 59, UCLA 1:11:24
Lec 15, German 59, UCLA 1:03:22
Lec 16, German 59, UCLA 1:10:05
Lec 17, German 59, UCLA 57:53
Lec 18, German 59, UCLA [Finished] 45:47

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