

Applications of Physics Inspired Methods in Natural, Social and Human Sciences (Hebrew U of Jerusalem)

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source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem  上次更新日期:2014年7月1日
Applications of Physics Inspired Methods in Natural, Social and Human Sciences
Prof. Sorin Solomon
Cornerstones Program
The course is a General University-wide course of the series Cornerstones which addresses students from all faculties.
I will review the application of methods and ideas from physics to natural, social and human sciences.
We will review some paradigms that emerged recently:
"More is Different",
"Small World Networks",
"Peer-To-Peer viral propagation",
"Fractals and (Multi-)scaling", etc.
We will present specific applications in: social revolutions dynamics, knowledge hierarchies in the internet, network dynamics of narratives, economic crisis propagation, education and economic growth, wealth distribution, globalization and financial instability, ecological patterns and resilience, emergence of altruism and cooperation, immune system dynamics, visual system signal integration, networks in the brain, emergence of meaning in children scribbles, music therapy, algorithms for creative innovation, innovation diffusion and adoption.
For more information - http://sorinsolomon.net/index.php/teach/88-course-3

- 1 59:04
- 2 1:25:36
- 3 1:29:00
- 4 1:25:31
- 5 1:28:23
- 6 1:30:08
- 7 1:29:25
- 8 1:07:32
- 9 1:27:43
- 10 1:31:47
- 11 1:29:42
- 12 1:32:12
- 13 1:28:37

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