

Mathematics - Core Topics in University Mathematics (University of Nottingham)

# automatic playing for the 20 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: University of Nottingham    上次更新日期:2014年6月13日
This series of videos is aimed primarily at first-year undergraduate mathematics students. It covers some of the topics which students often find hard, but which are fundamental to success in university mathematics.

Proof by Induction 7:53
Proof by Induction - the Induction Step 9:06
Exponential Function 7:26
Think of a Function 13:12
Intro to Vector Spaces 9:12
Bases for Vector Spaces 9:40
Proof by Contradiction 5:48
Curve Sketching 1 7:19
Curve Sketching 2 5:36
Curve Sketching 3 7:01
Sketching Functions 7:42
Proof by Induction -- Example 2 9:12
Convergence of sequences 1 11:16
Convergence of sequences 2 12:23
Convergence of series 7:50
Series - the comparison test 12:45
Series - the ratio test 10:45
Sequences and their properties - examples 8:34
Sequences and their properties - quiz 2:06
Sequences and their properties - answers 3:34

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