

Organisms to Ecosystems (Winter 2013)--Michael Clegg / UC Irvine

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source: UCIrvineOCW      上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI BioSci 94: Organisms to Ecosystems (Winter 2013)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/biosci_94_...
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Description: UCI BioSci 94 covers the following topics: Patterns of diversity, ecology, and evolutionary biology, with an emphasis on the Tree of Life and how its members are distributed and interact.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec. 1. Course Introduction, Evidence of Evolution 47:06
Lec. 2. Evolution by Natural Selection 50:53
Lec. 3. Evolutionary Processes 50:56
Lec. 4. Genetic Drift, Mutation, Migration & Inbreeding 48:59
Lec. 5. Speciation 49:52
Lec. 6. Phylogenetic Trees, Fossil Record 48:10
Lec. 7. Origins of Life, Bacteria & Archaea 49:24
Lec. 8. Metabolic Diversity & Horizontal Gene Transfer 43:42
Lec. 9. Protists 49:08
Lec. 10. Human Dependence on Green Plants 49:27
Lec. 11. Transition to Dry Land 45:42
Lec. 12. Plant Diversity 49:01
Lec. 13. Fungi 40:54
Lec. 14. Insects 44:13