

Introduction to Earth System Science (Fall 2013)--Julie Ferguson / UC Irvine

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source: UCIrvineOCW     上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
Earth System Science 1: Introduction to Earth System Science  (Fall 2013)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/ess_1_intr...
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Description: Earth System Science covers the following topics: the origin and evolution of the Earth, atmosphere, oceans, perspective of biogeochemical cycles, energy use, and human impacts on the Earth system.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 1. Introduction and the Scientific Method 40:35
Lecture 2. Systems and Feedbacks 46:55
Lecture 3. Our Solar System and Universe 46:18
Lecture 4. What Control's Our Planet's Temperature? 50:08
Lecture 5. Plate Tectonics 47:21
Lecture 6. Plate Boundaries 39:55
Lecture 7. Earthquakes 47:06
Lecture 8. Volcanoes 45:10
Lecture 9. The Rock Cycle and the Geological Timescale 45:12
Lecture 10. Atmosphere Formation and Evolution 42:24
Lecture 11. Water Vapor and Clouds 46:31
Lecture 12. Winds and Extreme Weather 48:24
Lecture 13. Global Circulation Patterns 45:57
Lecture 14. Freshwater, Part I. 48:30
Lecture 15. Freshwater, Part II. 46:45
Lecture 16. Cryosphere 48:56
Lecture 17. Oceans, Part I. 45:58
Lecture 18. Oceans, Part II. 43:18
Lecture 19. The Biosphere, Part I. 44:55
Lecture 20. The Biosphere, Part II. 43:45
Lecture 21. History of Life on Earth (and Mass Extinctions) 49:02
Lecture 22. Biogeochemical Cycles 37:44
Lecture 23. Human Population and Resource Demands 46:36
Lecture 24. Human Impacts on the Earth System 45:57
Lecture 25. The Climate System and Past Climates 48:58
Lecture 26. Why Climate Changes 45:53
Lecture 27. Future Climate Change 42:47
Lecture 22. Melting Glaciers: Glacial Outburst Floods 43:29