

Disparities in Healthcare (Winter 2013)--Clifton Schermerhorn / UC Irvine

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source: UCIrvineOCW       上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI PubHlth 91: Disparities in Healthcare (Winter 2013)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/pubhlth_91...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: Student participatory course practicing initiation, planning, and coordination of various speakers on the subject of Disparities in Health Care. Topics in this course include: mental health, Health Care financing, religion and spirituality in health, immigration and medical care, women's health, geriatrics, and prison health.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 2: Mental Health 1:49:30
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course 1:31:59
Lecture 3: Healthcare Reform 1:40:55
Lecture 4: VA Healthcare 1:45:28
Lecture 5: Religion, Spirituality, and Healthcare 1:44:31
Lecture 6: Undocumented Immigrants and Medical Care 1:46:20
Lecture 8: Geriatrics 1:30:21
Lecture 7: Women's Health 1:40:56
Lecture 9: Prison Health 1:41:19