

Summer Science Lecture Series

# automatic playing for the 12 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Stanford    Last updated on 2014年6月19日
The Stanford Summer Science Lecture Series is a series of outdoor science and engineering lectures offered on campus four or five evenings throughout the summer by some of Stanford's most distinguished professors.

Back to Life: The Rebirth of the Monterey Coast 1:10:54
Archimedes: Ancient Text Revealed with X-Ray Vision 1:09:06
Using Evolution to Understand Human Growth and Disease 1:56:24
100 Years After 1906: Understanding Earthquakes and Effects 1:19:22
Human Embryonic Stems Cells: Science, Ethics, and Politics 1:31:52
Recent Advances in Heart Surgery 1:25:55
Regenerative Medicine: What Is It? 1:30:24
Cool Hands, Better Performance 1:05:29
Drugs: One Size Does Not Fit All 1:28:34
Global Warming: Is the Science Settled Enough for Policy? 1:30:19
Powering the Future with Sustainable Energy 1:12:05
Wired for Speech: Voice Interactions with People and Computers 1:18:17