

Special Relativity 2012 (Leonard Susskind / Stanford University)

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source: Stanford    Last updated on 2014年9月25日
In 1905, while only twenty-six years old, Albert Einstein published "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" and effectively extended classical laws of relativity to all laws of physics, even electrodynamics. In this course, Professor Susskind takes a close look at the special theory of relativity and also at classical field theory. Concepts addressed here includes space-time and four-dimensional space-time, electromagnetic fields and their application to Maxwell's equations. He also covers the work of the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski. Originally presented by the Stanford Continuing Studies Program. Professor Susskind's Book, "The Theoretical Minimum" now available: http://www.theoreticalminimumbook.com/

Special Relativity | Lecture 1 1:58:15
Special Relativity | Lecture 2 54:00
Special Relativity | Lecture 3 1:59:28
Special Relativity | Lecture 4 1:50:11
Special Relativity | Lecture 5 2:01:01
Special Relativity | Lecture 6 1:56:48
Special Relativity | Lecture 7 1:46:27
Special Relativity | Lecture 8 1:46:45
Special Relativity | Lecture 9 1:39:52
Special Relativity | Lecture 10 1:54:45