

Personal Finance (Roger Wallenburg / Missouri State University)

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source: Missouri State University     Last updated on May 21, 2015
FIN 150: Personal Finance
A study of personal finance topics from the consumer and societal perspectives.
Topics include the preparation and interpretation of personal financial statements and budgets, the time value of money, personal saving, financial market and investment fundamentals, the effective use of consumer credit, personal bankruptcy, insurance principles, automotive and housing decisions, principles of personal taxation, and retirement planning.
This course will provide students with the concepts and critical thinking skills to understand the effects of financial decisions on individuals, families, and society.
Learn more about Missouri State iCourses at http://outreach.missouristate.edu/icourses.htm

Class 1 - Goalsetting 18:51
Class 2 - Budgeting 17:16
Class 3 - Credit 26:10
Class 4 - Insurance 42:55
Class 5 - Investing 30:30
Class 6 - Time Value of Money 45:16
Class 7 - Annuities 27:29
Class 8 - Personal Financial 5:13