

Manuel De Landa. The Geography of Assemblage Theory. 2009 (1-7)

source: European Graduate School       Jan 25, 2010
http://www.egs.edu/ Manuel De Landa explaining Deleuzes notion of assemblage theory in contemporary society and discussing the notion of emerging properties in both tradition and rebellion during the formation of the nation-state over the last several centuries. De Landa spoke of Napoleon and Waterloo, about terrorism and the monolithic state, reification, social justice movements, the ecology of urban life, and Barack Obamas stimulus bill during a seminar entitled Gilles Deleuze and Science. He discussed the analysis of history through the notion of assemblage theory, focusing on the failure of Marxist revolutions throughout history, and the failure of Kantian categories when compared to the work of David Hume. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland. Manuel De Landa 2009