

Introduction to Religion--Lora J. Hobbs / Missouri State U

# automatic playing for the 28 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Missouri State University     Last updated on May 21, 2015
REL 100: Introduction to Religion
Investigates what religion is and does, compares religious ideas and practices, and explores how religion influences the relationship between individual and community.
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Lecture 0 - Course Intro 18:17
Lecture 1 - Legality of Studying Religion 34:02
Lecture 2 - Relevance of Studying Religion 33:53
Lecture 3 - Faith Development 50:05
Lecture 4 - Existence of God 35:40
Lecture 5 -The Problem of Evil 49:28
Lecture 6 - Defining Religion: Otto and Marx 37:37
Lecture 7 - Defining Religion: Freud and Tillich 40:38
Lecture 8 - Defining Religion: Tillich Continued 21:28
Lecture 9 - Indigenous Religions 42:10
Lecture 10 - Haitian Voodoo 25:11
Lecture 11 - Hinduism, Part 1 21:57
Lecture 12 - Hinduism, Part 2 34:58
Lecture 13 - Buddhism, Part 1 25:22
Lecture 14 - Buddhism, Part 2 37:16
Lecture 15 - Judaism, Part 1 44:09
Lecture 16 - Judaism, Part 2 22:10
Lecture 17 - Christianity, Part 1 42:59
Lecture 18 - Christianity, Part 2 31:03
Lecture 19 - Islam, Part 1 28:35
Lecture 20 - Islam, Part 2 19:49
Lecture 21 - Unit 2 Review 21:11
Lecture 22 - Ethics and Religion, Part 1 29:46
Lecture 23 - Ethics and Religion, Part 2 24:35
Guest Lecture 1 - New Religious Movements, Part 1 46:26
Guest Lecture 2 - New Religious Movements, Part 2 41:54
Guest Lecture 3 - Ozarks Religion 39:35
Lecture 24 - Future of Religion 31:24