

General Chemistry (Spring 2012)--A. J. Shaka / UC Irvine

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UCI Chem 1B General Chemistry (Spring 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_1b_ge...
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Description: UCI Chem 1B is the second quarter of General Chemistry and covers the following topics: properties of gases, liquids, solids; changes of state; properties of solutions; stoichiometry; thermochemistry; and thermodynamics.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 1. General Course Information & Properties of Gas. 1:11:51
Lec 2. Partial Pressures & The Kinetic Theory 1:12:53
Lec 3. Last Gas(p) and Condensed Phases 1:05:20
Lec 4. Condensed Phases, Solids, & Phase Diagrams 59:49
Lec 6. Basic Properties of Solutions & Review Problems 1:14:25
Lec 5. Phase Diagrams and Phase Transitions 54:38
Lec 7. Solutions and Colligative Properties 1:16:16
Lec 8. Osmotic Pressure, Colloids & Sum Up of Colligative Properties 1:13:47
Lec. 9. Thermochemistry: Work, Heat, & First Law of Thermodynamics 1:12:09
Lec. 12. Free Energy & Review Problems 1:13:30
Lec. 13. "Clean Natural Gases" & More Review Problems 1:10:23
Lec. 10. Thermochemistry: Work, Heat, Enthalpy and Heat Capacity 1:10:37
Lec. 14. Corrections, Midterm Postmortem, Free Energy and Equilibrium 1:11:09
Lec. 15. One Midterm Problem, Free Energy & Equilibrium 1:08:39
Lec. 16. Equilibrium Constants: Temperature and Pressure 1:12:19
Lec. 17. Equilibrium Calculations 1:09:47
Lec. 18. Chemistry Applies to Us & Review Problems/Calculator Tricks 1:02:05