

Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium (2007-2008, Stanford University)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Stanford     Last updated on 2014年9月25日
EE 380: Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium is a Stanford University course that features weekly speakers on current research and developments in computer systems. Topics touch upon all aspects of computer science and engineering including logic design, computer organization and architecture, software engineering, computer applications, public policy, and the social, business, and financial implications of technology. Frequently the Colloquium provides the first public forum for discussion of new products, discoveries, or ideas. This playlist consists of seminar speakers recorded during the 2007-2008 academic year.

The PeakStream Platform for Many-Core Computing 1:07:26
Programmable Micofluidics 1:07:58
Open Source Study: Analytics, Economics & Best Practices 1:01:59
Self-Improving Artificial Intelligence 1:09:00
The Challenges of Implementing Matlab® 1:19:51
Parallel Programming 2.0 1:00:03
On the Road to Computer Literacy 1:24:07
Android: Building a Mobile Platform to Change the Industry 1:17:11
Science Communication, Science Literacy and Public Support 1:13:45
Tracking the Internet into the 21st Century 1:18:31
Computing in Transition 1:08:49
Scalable Parallel Programming with CUDA on Manycore GPUs 1:20:37
Building a Safer Web 1:09:31
CMOS Process Variations: A Critical Operation Point Hypothesis 1:03:58
Demonstration of Brain Computer Interface Using the Emotive Epoc 1:08:46
A Head in the Cloud: The Power of Infrastructure as a Service 1:29:57
Distributed Systems: Computation With a Million Friends 1:17:59
Dynamic Languages Strike Back 1:08:58
The Challenge of Small Form Factor: The ASUS Eee PC 1:15:43
Spookytechnology and Society 53:39
The Search for Jim Gray 1:21:29
The Role of Accelerated Computing in the Multi-Core Era 1:16:21