

History of Information (Spring 2015) - Paul Duguid, Geoffrey D. Nunberg / UCBerkeley

# automatic playing for the 13 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: UCBerkeley     Last updated on 2015年4月30日
Cognitive Science C103, 001 - Spring 2015

2015-03-05 1:20:53
2015-03-10 1:19:15
2015-03-12 1:13:39
2015-03-17 | Audio not available last 18 minutes 1:20:54
2015-04-02 | Last minute of audio not available 1:13:41
2015-04-07 | Last min of audio not available  1:18:42
2015-04-09 1:10:39
2015-04-14 1:16:50
2015-04-16 | First 42 minutes of audio not available 1:17:11
2015-04-21 1:13:49
2015-04-23 1:17:36
2015-04-28 1:11:57
2015-04-30 1:00:21