

傳統中國的國家與皇權 State & Monarchy in China 甘懷真/台大

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source: NTU Courses      Last updated on 2014年6月20日
臺大歷史學研究所 甘懷真教授
(完整課程影音: http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S102)
Professor Huai-chen Kan, Department of History (Graduate Institute), NTU
This course discusses the traditional imperial system of traditional China. Traditional China here refers to China before the 19th century; the imperial system refers to the monarchy established by Qin Shi Huang in 221BCE, and which kept the title of "emperor" throughout all of its historical permutations. This system ended in 1911 with the revolution that gave birth to the Republic of China.
The imperial system is a major topic of historical study. This course was first offered in the hundredth anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, which prompts us to reflect on the shift from monarchy to democracy, and its significance. Thus, this course also aims to reflect upon the meaning of democracy.
(For completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S102)

1 導言: 皇帝已死,皇帝萬歲?  1:42:06
2 傳統史學是知有「朝廷」不知有「國家」? 1:32:15
3 歷史上的「中國」是國名嗎?  1:39:26
4 天下政體 (上)  1:43:09
5-1 天下政體 (下) (一)  1:38:19
5-2 天下政體 (下) (二)  1:21:00
6 皇帝制度是專制政體嗎?  2:00:03
7.東亞的冊封體制:中國作為世界帝國 (上)
8.東亞的冊封體制:中國作為世界帝國 (下)
9.農業帝國 (上)
10.農業帝國 (下)