

愛情社會學 - 孫中興 Sociology of Love - Prof. Sun / 台大

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source: NTU Courses     Last updated on 2014年6月28日
臺大社會學系 孫中興教授
(完整課程影音: http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/101S116)
Professor Chung-hsing Sun, Department of Sociology, NTU
This course is divided into several parts. The first part examines fundamental questions encountered in the sociology of love to help students gain a better understanding of the current sociological conclusions about love. The second part is a discussion of important stories and concepts of love in the East and the West to foster a globalized perspective. The third part will focus on love and society, including aspects such as: gendered love, the body and love, social relations and love, the family and love, education and love, communication and love, ideology and love, capitalism and love, and errant behavior and love. It is hoped that students can thus gain an understanding of modern sociological research on love, as well as its historical development.
(For completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/101S116)

1 課程簡介 2:01:46
2 愛情社會學的基本問題  2:28:36
3 愛情的社會學分析 (1)  2:21:22
4 愛情的社會學分析 (2) 2:28:50
5 愛情的社會學分析 (3)  1:34:12
6-1 愛情的過程 (1):開始  49:26
6-2 愛情的過程 (1):開始  2:17:17
7.愛情的過程 (2):維繫
8.愛情的過程 (3):結束
9.愛情的過程 (4):偏差行為
10.性 (性別)、力 (權力、暴力) 和愛