

易經解讀 - 林義正 Interpreting the I-Ching: Prof. Lin/台大

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source: NTU Courses     Last updated on 2014年7月1日
臺大哲學系 林義正教授
(完整課程影音: http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S204)
Professor Yih-jing Lin, Department of Philosophy, NTU
This course uses the extant combined edition of the I-Ching and its commentary for interpretation to help students gain an understanding of the fundamental form and content of traditional Chinese cultural thinking, and thereby comprehend its conceptions of existence, epistemology, values, effort and language and their possible uses. An introduction to the treasure chest of ancient Chinese philosophy that is the I-Ching is also provided, namely its history, structure and subsequent creative interpretations that expand upon the aforementioned conceptions.
(For completed episodes: http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S204)

1 《易經》成書史 (一) 1:16:10
2 《易經》成書史 (二)  1:20:12
3 《易經》成書史 (三)  2:25:26
4 《易經》的結構與術語  1:24:03
5《易經》的筮占 (一) 1:35:59
6 《易經》的筮占 (二) 1:26:44
7.易經的筮占 (三)
8.《易經》的詮釋 (一)
9.《易經》的詮釋 (二)
10.《易經》的詮釋 (三)
11.乾坤卦解 (一)
12.乾坤卦解 (二)
13.乾坤卦解 (三)