

東坡詞 - 劉少雄 Ci Poetry of Su Shi - Prof. Lau/台大

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source: NTU Courses     Last updated on 2014年5月24日
(完整課程影音: http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S202)
Professor Siu-hung Lau, Department of Chinese Literature, NTU
The Ci poetry of Su Shi is the epitome of Sung Dynasty Ci poetry and the most moving portion of Su's body of work. Su employs his prodigious learning and great affective capacity in his Ci poetry compositions, while integrating techniques and imagery from classical poetry. His works have expanded and elevated the content and horizons of Ci poetry, putting it on equal footing with classical poetry — this is Su's significance to the development of Ci poetry. His Ci poems express grandeur in soft, clean beauty; whether it is professing his ambitions or reminiscing on the past, Su's authenticity and sincerity are evident in every line and the emotional twists and turns reflect those of Su's own life.
(Please go to NTU OpenCourseWare for completed episodes http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/index.php/ocw/cou/100S202)

1-1 導論:東坡其人其詞 (上) (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP1-1) 1:28:44
1-2 導論:東坡其人其詞 (下) (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP1-2) 1:29:42
2 杭州詞選讀 (一) (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP2) 1:33:09
3-1 杭州詞選讀 (二) (上) (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP3-1) 2:26:20
3-2 杭州詞選讀 (二) (下) (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP3-2) 48:56
4 由杭赴密詞選讀 (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP4) 1:40:51
5 密州詞選讀 (一) (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP5) 2:29:15
6 密州詞選讀 (二) (Ci Poetry of Su Shi EP6)  44:32
7.徐州與湖州詞選讀 (一)
8.徐州與湖州詞選讀 (二)
9.黃州詞賞析 (一)
10.黃州詞賞析 (二)
11.黃州詞賞析 (三)
12.黃州詞賞析 (四)
13.黃州詞賞析 (五)
14.黃州以後詞選讀 (一)、(二)
15.黃州以後詞選讀 (三)
16.東坡未編年詞 (一)
17.東坡未編年詞 (二)