

光影幾何直觀靈光 詩意建築師姚仁喜 (20150523 中天的夢想驛站)

source: 中天電視    2015年5月23日


Killer T Cell: The Cancer Assassin

source: Cambridge University       2015年5月19日
How does a Killer T Cell Kill its target?
Our new film captures the behaviour of cytotoxic T cells – the body’s ‘serial killers’ – as they hunt down and eliminate cancer cells before moving on to their next target.


Jean Houston: Part 1 Complete: Possible Human, Possible World - Thinking...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2011年4月29日
NOTE: This is the full broadcast portion of the interview. It was continued in-studio with an additional 58-minute discussion which is available on our 86-minute DVD.

We are living at a unique historical moment when the cultures of the entire world are available to us, and we are challenged as we have never before been. In part one of this two-part program, Dr. Jean Houston describes the range of human capacities that are found in different cultures. She focuses on language as an expression of the way societies cultivate human potential.

In part two of the full DVD, Jean expands upon the learning experiences she had with Margaret Mead, elaborating on her own experiences working with different cultures. To illustrate her work in human capacities training, she leads an exercise called "Cleansing the Doors of Perception." Then follows a powerful poetic reading by actress Peggy Nash Rubin. Jean then elaborates on how these experiences may call forth within the viewer new visions and deeper understandings.

Jean Houston, Ph.D., is founder and director of The Mystery School, a program of mythology and culture. She is past-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology and also director of the Human Capacities Training Program. She is author of numerous books including Search for the Beloved, Godseed, Lifeforce, Mindgames, Listening to the Body (coauthored with Robert Masters), The Hero and the Goddess and The Possible Human.

U. G. Krishnamurti: Complete Part 1 - Mystique of Enlightenment - Thinki...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2011年8月15日
NOTE: This is the full broadcast portion of the 88-minute interview.

Those who offer enlightenment or salvation appear to often operate more as businessmen than as authentic spiritual teachers. In part one of this two-part series, U. G. Krishnamurti he denies any possibility of knowledge of enlightenment. The very attempt to achieve enlightenment is an obstacle in the path of the proclaimed goal. The search for enlightenment is a device of the mind to perpetuate itself, in denial of its mortality.

In part two of the full DVD, he critiques various disciplines, both mystical and psychotherapeutic, which are said to lead to states of enlightenment. He proposes that states of enlightenment, if they are to be attained, must be gained in spite of--not because of--meditation, devotion, prayer, acceptance, forgiveness, or compassion. Stripped of all our pretenses, facing the despair of the human condition, freed of the imaginary diseases from which "enlightenment" may save us, we can build realistic and practical lives.

U. G. Krishnamurti was a world traveler and author of Mind Is a Myth and The Mystique of Enlightenment. Viewed by many as a liberated individual, he eschewed all gurus, teachings and followers.

John McCarthy (1927-2011): Artificial Intelligence (complete) - Thinkin...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2011年11月3日
The science of artificial intelligence is a program to accomplish the Socratic injunction, "Know Thyself." The late John McCarthy, Ph.D., invented LISP, the major language today used for artificial intelligence. Here he discusses the history of artificial intelligence and the future role which non-monotonic reasoning will play in enabling computers to simulate the human mind.

Terence McKenna - Complete Program - Hallucinogens & Culture --Thinking...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2011年1月24日
NOTE: This is one of three programs on "A Magical Journey" DVD.
Hallucinogenic substances have been instrumental in the foundation of many aspects of our cultural heritage. In this challenging program, McKenna suggests ways in which hallucinogenic plants have been associated with spiritual traditions in ancient India, in the Amazon and in medieval Europe.

Theodore Roszak, 1933-2011 - Cult of Information (complete) - Thinking A...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2011年7月10日
This program is being posted in its entirety to honor the memory of Theodore Roszak, who passed away on July 5, 2011.

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
--T.S. Elliott

Our real educational and cultural needs are in danger of becoming lost in the erroneous fascination with the information processing model of the mind. One of America's foremost social critics, Theodore Roszak, Ph.D., author of The Making of the Counter-Culture, Eco-Psychology and The Cult of Information, delivers a scathing indictment of the over-selling of computer and high-tech ideology to the American public.

Ram Dass - Part 1 Complete: Compassion in Action - Thinking Allowed with...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2011年6月2日
NOTE: This is the full broadcast portion of the interview. It was continued in-studio with an additional 58-minute discussion which is available on our 86-minute DVD.

Ram Dass probes deeply into the nature of helping relationships. He suggests that when we see deeply into each human being, no matter how desperate the situation, we are able to honor and learn from them. If we view ourselves as the "helper," we become trapped in the prison of our own self-image -- and this interferes with genuine compassion.

Ram Dass' own path has led him to look for God in every person and situation. Following this path, his life of service has included working with refugees, with the blind, and with the dying. In this moving, two-part program, he examines the delicate state of awareness in which one acts compassionately for social change while also accepting the world exactly as it is.

Ram Dass (a.k.a. Richard Alpert, Ph.D.) is a spiritual teacher and author of Be Here Now, The Only Dance There Is, The Psychedelic Experience (co-authored with Ralph Metzner , Grist for the Mill (co-authored with Stephen Levine, Journey of Awakening, Miracle of Love and How Can I Help.

Michael Talbot - Part 1 Complete- Synchronicity and the Holographic Univ...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2010年12月18日
NOTE: This is the full broadcast portion of the interview. It was continued in-studio with an additional 58-minute discussion which is available on our 86-minute DVD.

The holographic model allows us to conceptualize phenomena that have remained on the fringes of science -- synchronicities, psychic experiences, UFOs, poltergeists, spiritual experiences, states of higher consciousness. In part one of this two part program Michael Talbot discusses the holographic model of brain functioning and the "implicate order" model of quantum physics. He proposes that these two models combined explain many unsolved mysteries in both brain functioning (such as memory and vision) and quantum physics (such as the problem of hidden variables and quantum interconnectedness).

In part two of the DVD, Talbot discusses his own unusual experiences with poltergeist phenomena and UFOs. He suggests that the holographic model provides a means for understanding these experiences without falling into the twin traps of skeptical debunking or occult romanticism.

Michael Talbot is author of Mysticism and the New Physics, Beyond the Quantum, Your Past Lives and The Holographic Universe. He also authored four novels. This program was taped approximately six months before his untimely death in May 1992.

Fred Alan Wolf: Part 1 Complete Shamanic Physics -- A Thinking Allowed ...

source: ThinkingAllowedTV     2011年3月6日
NOTE: This is the full broadcast portion of the interview. It was continued in-studio with an additional 58-minute discussion which is available on our 86-minute DVD.

Shamans see the world as made up of vibrations, using resonance between individuals to effect healings. In part one of this two-part series, Fred Alan Wolf discusses his efforts to explain shamanic realities in terms of modern physics. He suggests that shamans interact with parallel universes and are able to enter into the world of the dead.

In part two of the DVD, Wolf describes in greater length his interactions with shamans among the North American Sioux Indians, in the jungles of Peru and in England. He confesses that he observed many things among the shamans that were unexplainable to him in terms of modern physics, noting that the shamans he worked with were loving healers who touched him in a deep and nurturing manner.

Fred Alan Wolf is a physicist and author of Space Time and Beyond, Taking the Quantum Leap, The Body Quantum, Star*Wave, Parallel Universes and The Eagle's Quest.