

The Planets - Geoffrey W. Marcy (Fall 2014, UCBerkeley )

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source: UCBerkeley     Last updated on 2014年12月4日
Astronomy C12, 001 - Fall 2014
The Planets - Geoffrey W. Marcy
All Rights Reserved

2014-08-28: Course Logistics; Tour of the Solar System 1:17:55
2014-09-02 1:02:19
2014-09-04: Seasons; Solar and Lunar Eclipses; Retrograde 1:09:33
2014-09-09: Copernican revolution; The Nature of Science 1:14:19
2014-09-11: Astrology: A testable theory. Your ideas can b 1:13:34
2014-09-16:Gravity, Force and Newton’s Laws: Physics! 1:05:03
2014-09-18: Tides, Energy, Momentum 1:04:55
2014-09-23: Properties of light; spectroscopy 1:10:50
2014-09-25: Light: emitted by Atoms; Photons; Thermal emis 54:54
2014-10-02: Surfaces: Plate Tectonics, Volcanism 1:17:02
2014-10-07: Interiors: Core, Mantle, Crust; Seismology; Lu 1:16:13
2014-10-09: Mars: The Curiosity Laboratory on Mars 1:03:11
2014-10-14: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Exosphere, Layers, 1:07:53
2014-10-16: Greenhouse effect and Global Warming 1:10:33
2014-10-21: Our Sun and Stellar Evolution; Actual solar ec 1:12:26
2014-10-23: Partial Solar Eclipse 2:30-3:30pm on campus. 1:07:06
2014-10-28: Jupiter and its moons, especially Io and Europ 59:02
2014-10-30: Saturn, rings, moons, Titan and Enceladus 1:13:31
2014-11-06: Asteroids, Comets, Pluto and Kuiper Belt (only 59:31
2014-11-13:Exoplanets: Using Doppler Shift; Determining pl 1:07:23
2014-11-18: The Nature of Biology on Earth: DNA, Origins, 1:12:48
2014-11-20: Life in the Universe: The Drake equation, SETI 1:11:35
2014-11-25: The Expansion and Acceleration of the Universe 55:30
2014-12-02: The Big Bang; Origin of Elements 1:18:03
2014-12-04: The Origin and Fate of the Universe 1:04:17