

Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles (Fall 2013) by Mehran Kardar at MIT

# automatic playing for the 26 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: MIT OpenCourseWare     Last updated on 2014年12月21日
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-333F13
Instructor: Mehran Kardar
Statistical Mechanics is a probabilistic approach to equilibrium properties of large numbers of degrees of freedom. In this two-semester course, basic principles are examined. Topics include: Thermodynamics, probability theory, kinetic theory, classical statistical mechanics, interacting systems, quantum statistical mechanics, and identical particles.
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1. Thermodynamics Part 1 1:26:25
2. Thermodynamics Part 2 1:23:38
3. Thermodynamics Part 3 1:23:44
4. Thermodynamics Part 4 1:18:53
5. Probability Part 1 1:21:30
6. Probability Part 2 1:24:53
7. Kinetic Theory of Gases Part 1 1:18:39
8. Kinetic Theory of Gases Part 2 1:15:56
9. Kinetic Theory of Gases Part 3 1:25:36
10. Kinetic Theory of Gases Part 4 1:25:18
11. Kinetic Theory of Gases Part 5 1:22:23
12. Classical Statistical Mechanics Part 1 1:25:39
13. Classical Statistical Mechanics Part 2 1:22:35
14. Classical Statistical Mechanics Part 3 1:25:17
15. Interacting Particles Part 1 1:25:42
16. Interacting Particles Part 2 1:22:06
17. Interacting Particles Part 3 1:23:18
18. Interacting Particles Part 4 1:24:22
19. Quantum Statistical Mechanics Part 1 1:19:18
20. Quantum Statistical Mechanics Part 2  1:23:32
21. Ideal Quantum Gases Part 1 1:23:48
22. Ideal Quantum Gases Part 2 1:20:31
23. Ideal Quantum Gases Part 3 1:23:42
24. Ideal Quantum Gases Part 4 1:23:42
25. Ideal Quantum Gases Part 5 1:22:55
26. Ideal Quantum Gases Part 6 1:21:05