

Origins: from the Big Bang to the Emergence of Humans - Charles Marshall, Eliot Quataert

# Click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: UCBerkeley       Last updated on 2014年12月7日
Astronomy C13, 001 - Fall 2014
Origins: from the Big Bang to the Emergence of Humans - Charles Marshall, Eliot Quataert
All rights reserved

2014-08-28: The Science of Origins 1:15:40
2014-09-02: An Astronomical Census – What is Out There! 1:22:33
2014-09-04: A Biological Census –- Life’s Diversity and it 1:15:45
2014-09-09: Gravity--Holding the Universe Together 1:22:15
2014-09-11: The Formation of Stars, Planets, and the Solar 1:21:04
2014-09-16: The 1st 4 Billion Years of Earth’s and Life’s 1:12:41
2014-09-18: The Surprisingly Dynamic Earth – Plate Tectoni 1:17:32
2014-09-23: The Origin of the Elements 1:19:19
2014-09-25: The Furnaces Inside Stars | No Audio 1:22:44
2014-09-30: The Life and Death of Stars 1:21:08
2014-10-02: The Origin of Life 1:16:55
2014-10-07: Evolution, Species, Speciation 1:15:30
2014-10-14: The Big Bang: the History of the Universe 1:21:17
2014-10-16: What the Universe is Made of 1:22:59
2014-10-21: From the Big Bang to Habitable Planets 1:21:39
2014-10-23: The Evolution of Complex Life on Earth 1:15:30
2014-10-28: Comets, Asteroids, & the Death of Dinosaurs 1:20:43
2014-10-30: Climate Change from the Cambrian to the Ice Ag 1:17:55
2014-11-13: Human Innovation: From Tools to Consciousness 1:18:52
2014-11-18: Human impacts: Megafaunal Extinctions to Globa 1:12:18
2014-11-20: Extreme Environments on Earth and in the Solar 1:17:59
2014-11-25: Worlds Beyond our Solar System 1:20:58
2014-12-02: The Probability of (Intelligent) Life in the U 1:14:15
2014-12-04: Outstanding Questions & Prospects for the Futu 59:05