

Convex Optimization (Fall 2014) by Laurent El Ghaoui (UCBerkeley)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: UCBerkeley      Last updated on 2014年11月20日
Electrical Engineering 227BT, 001 - Fall 2014
Convex Optimization - Laurent El Ghaoui
Creative Commons 3.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

014-09-02: Conjugates, subdifferentials 1:07:06
2014-09-04: Optimization problems 0:00
2014-09-09: Conic optimization 1:21:44
2014-09-11: Weak duality 1:21:32
2014-09-16: Quiz and mini-review 24:22
2014-09-18: Strong duality 1:20:58
2014-09-23: Minimax, optimality conditions 1:14:00
2014-09-25: Conic duality 1:21:12
2014-09-30: Moment bounds via duality 1:19:22
2014-10-02: Dual decomposition | No Screen 1:10:24
2014-10-09: Overview of decision-making und 1:20:51
2014-10-16: Chance constraints 1:20:52
2014-10-21: Chance constraints and approxim 1:19:14
2014-10-23: Multi-period robust optimizatio 1:22:12
2014-11-20: Applications in machine learnin 1:18:42