

Jacques Rancière. An Archaeology of the Temporality of Modernism and Ava...

source: European Graduate School  2015年2月4日
http://www.egs.edu/ Jacques Rancière, philosopher of aesthetics and politics, delivering a talk on the temporality of modernism as "the time of the not-yet." Rancière presents his reading of artistic modernism as communist treatment of heterogeneous movement and time in the work of Emerson, Vertov, Mallarmé, Woolf and others. Topics discussed include dance, poetry, capitalism, art as the creation of new forms of life, freedom, leisure, and work. Other philosophers mentioned are Hegel, Marx, Aristotle, Schiller, and Grundberg. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2014.