

Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature w/ Tamar Gendler at Yale University (Spring 2011)

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source: YaleCourses      Last updated on 2014年7月2日
Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature (PHIL 181)
Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature pairs central texts from Western philosophical tradition (including works by Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Rawls, and Nozick) with recent findings in cognitive science and related fields. The course is structured around three intertwined sets of topics: Happiness and Flourishing; Morality and Justice; and Political Legitimacy and Social Structures. Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://oyc.yale.edu

1. Introduction 42:51
2. The Ring of Gyges: Morality and Hypocrisy 42:30
3. Parts of the Soul I 45:05
4. Parts of the Soul II 45:05
5. The Well-Ordered Soul: Happiness and Harmony 44:26
6. The Disordered Soul: Thémis and PTSD 43:58
7. Flourishing and Attachment 37:46
8. Flourishing and Detachment 43:29
9. Virtue and Habit I 40:10
10. Virtue and Habit II 44:39
11. Weakness of the Will and Procrastination 45:00
12. Utilitarianism and its Critiques 47:19
13. Deontology 46:13
14. The Trolley Problem 48:35
15. Empirically-informed Responses 49:39
16. Philosophical Puzzles 47:29
17. Punishment I 44:38
18. Punishment II 48:33
19. Contract & Commonwealth: Thomas Hobbes 46:28
20. The Prisoner's Dilemma 47:15
21. Equality 45:53
22. Equality II 45:43
23. Social Structures 49:18
24. Censorship 45:22
25. Tying up Loose Ends 44:15
26. Concluding Lecture 48:26