

Foundations of Modern Social Theory (Fall 2009, Yale U) by Iván Szelényi

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source: YaleCourses        Last updated on 2014年7月2日
Foundations of Modern Social Thought (SOCY 151)
This course provides an overview of major works of social thought from the beginning of the modern era through the 1920s. Attention is paid to social and intellectual contexts, conceptual frameworks and methods, and contributions to contemporary social analysis. Writers include Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses

1. Introduction 45:52
2. Hobbes: Authority, Human Rights and Social Order 42:56
3. Locke: Equality, Freedom, Property and the Right to Dissent 45:23
4. The Division of Powers- Montesquieu 44:13
5. Rousseau: Popular Sovereignty and General Will 40:28
6. Rousseau on State of Nature and Education 44:02
7. Utilitarianism and Liberty, John Stuart Mill 42:15
8. Smith: The Invisible Hand 46:30
9. Marx's Theory of Alienation 48:04
10. Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism (1) 50:24
11. Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism (cont.) 48:53
12. Marx's Theory of History 51:30
13. Marx's Theory of Class and Exploitation 51:13
14. Nietzsche on Power, Knowledge and Morality 46:18
15. Freud on Sexuality and Civilization 53:29
16. Weber on Protestantism and Capitalism 51:15
17. Conceptual Foundations of Weber's Theory of Domination 52:46
18. Weber on Traditional Authority 50:18
19. Weber on Charismatic Authority 49:26
20. Weber on Legal-Rational Authority 47:54
21. Weber's Theory of Class 44:38
22. Durkheim and Types of Social Solidarity 37:39
23. Durkheim's Theory of Anomie 46:42
24. Durkheim on Suicide 50:49
25. Durkheim and Social Facts 51:09