

留十八分鐘給自己:蔣勳 (Chiang Hsun) at TEDxTaipei 2012

source: TEDxTaipei 2012年11月29日

Chiang Hsun is an influential contemporary poet and author. He was born in Xian in 1947 and grew up in Taiwan. He graduated from the Department of History and Graduate Institute of Art at Chinese Culture University. In 1972, he started his new phase of life as a student at the Institute of Art in the University of Paris.

During his stay in Paris, he immersed himself in art . He incorporated and emphasized the value of humanity in his work. Chiang has published numerous novels, poems, prose and art criticism. He enjoys composing poems the most among all. He has held several painting exhibitions which also received great remarks.

我願是滿山的杜鵑 只願一次無憾的春天 我願是繁星 捨給一個夏天的夜晚 我願是千萬調江河 流向唯一的海洋 我願是那月 為妳再一次圓滿 如果你是島嶼 我願是環抱你的海洋 如果你張起了船帆 我願是輕輕吹動的風浪 如果你遠行 我願是那路 準備了平坦 隨你去到遠方 當你走累了 我願是夜晚 是路旁的客棧 有安靜的枕席 供你睡眠 眠中有夢 我就是你枕上的淚痕 我願是手臂讓你依靠 雖然白髮蒼蒼 我仍願是你腳邊的爐火 與你共化回憶的老年 你是笑 我是應和你的歌聲 你是淚 我是陪伴你的星光 當你埋葬土中 我願是依伴你的青草 你成灰 我變成塵 如果 如果 如果你對此生還有眷戀 我就再許一願 與你結來世的因緣