

How to read music - Tim Hansen

source: TEDEducation 2013-07-18
Like an actor's script, a sheet of music instructs a musician on what to play (the pitch) and when to play it (the rhythm). Sheet music may look complicated, but once you've gotten the hang of a few simple elements like notes, bars and clefs, you're ready to rock. Tim Hansen hits the instrumental basics you need to read music.
Lesson by Tim Hansen, animation by Thomas Parrinello.

If molecules were people... - George Zaidan and Charles Morton

source: TEDEducation· 2013-07-23
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/chemical-re...
When molecules collide, chemical reactions can occur -- causing major structural changes akin to getting a new arm on your face! George Zaidan and Charles Morton playfully imagine chemical systems as busy city streets, and the colliding molecules within them as your average, limb-swapping joes.
Lesson by George Zaidan and Charles Morton, animation by Neighbor.