

A brief history of plural word...s - John McWhorter

source: TEDEducation· 2013-07-22
View full lesson here: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/a-brief-his...
All it takes is a simple S to make most English words plural. But it hasn't always worked that way (and there are, of course, exceptions). John McWhorter looks back to the good old days when English was newly split from German -- and books, names and eggs were beek, namen and eggru!
Lesson by John McWhorter, animation by Lippy.

John Searle: Our shared condition -- consciousness

source: TEDtalksDirector2013-07-22
Philosopher John Searle lays out the case for studying human consciousness -- and systematically shoots down some of the common objections to taking it seriously. As we learn more about the brain processes that cause awareness, accepting that consciousness is a biological phenomenon is an important first step. And no, he says, consciousness is not a massive computer simulation. (Filmed at TEDxCERN.)

【幸福大師-雷諾瓦與二十世紀繪畫】特展:蔣勳講座 (完)

source: ishow2010 2013-07-23
日期:2013/5/25(六) 至 9/8(日)