

Margaret Atwood on Faith and Reason (with Bill Moyers on PBS)

source: PBS    2006-07-21
On Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason, airing Friday, July 28 at 9 p.m. on PBS (check local listings), writers Margaret Atwood and Martin Amis show how the imagination of the creative mind can help cross the boundaries between faith and reason and to see the best and worst of human possibilities. Atwood's most famous novel, The Handmaid's Tale, depicts a democracy transformed into a theocracy of God-quoting true believers who strip women of their rights. Bill Moyers explores how these two confessed agnostics come to grips with a world immersed in belief.

For more of the interviews, and a chance to share what *you* find important on matters of Faith & Reason, visit the program's website (www.pbs.org/moyers) and watch the broadcasts on PBS.

For the complete interview and more of Atwood's viewpoints on faith, reason, science, religion, and some other relevant issues:

source: aluckypunk

about Margaret Atwood: